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TETHYS-102: Virtual Machines

At times, your physical computing resources are insufficient for the tasks you need to complete. This may be due to the need for a different operating system or the need for additional computing power. Or, an application you want to run requires a specific environment that is different from your current setup. Virtual machines are potential solutions to these problems

About This Course

At times, your physical computing resources are insufficient for the tasks you need to complete. This may be due to the need for a different operating system or the need for additional computing power. Or, an application you want to run requires a specific environment that is different from your current setup. Virtual machines are potential solutions to these problems

Course Author

Chris Edwards, Nathan Swain, Jude Mattice

Target Audience

Individuals who have limited to no experience setting up or using virtual machines and containers.

Tools Needed

  1. Computer with at least 50-GB free hard drive space
    • Must have admin rights
    • Must be able to install software
    • Can be Windows or Mac
  2. Web Browser and a Good Internet Connection
    • Relatively large software download required

Suggested Time Spent

2-4 hours




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