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TETHYS-205: Programming Techniques

An introduction to clean and professional coding habits.

About This Course

There are many ways to write code that "works". However, in addition to writing your own code, you will often work with code written by others, and it will quickly become apparent which code was written well. Poorly written and/or poorly documented code can be next to impossible to decipher. Clean code not only helps other programmers who will use your code but also will help you stay organized. No matter how well you write your code though, you will inevitably encounter bugs. There are tools and techniques that you can use to help you find and fix bugs more quickly. You will come across many problems that you do not know how to solve. It is easy to get stuck for hours on a simple problem. In this course, you will be introduced to the tools and techniques that are used by professional programmers so that you can learn more when the need arises.

Course Authors

Rohit Khattar, Enoch Jones, and Nathan Swain

Target Audience

Anyone who wants to increase their ability to quickly write clean, understandable code using best practicies.

Tools Needed

  1. A computer
  2. Access to the internet

Suggested Time Spent

4-6 hours


To complete this module, you should have a basic understanding of programming in at least one language.

Frequently Asked Questions

What web browser should I use?

The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

See our list of supported browsers for the most up-to-date information.
